
You ain’t my bitch, nigga! Buy your own damn fries!

barackIn continuance of the theme from my previous post – funny shit that presidential people say – Barack Obama has provided us with some delicious nuggets of quotability. While recording audio segments from his book “Dreams From My (Deadbeat) Father”, Obama channeled his bi-racial high school friend, Ray.

A gratuitous tip of the hat to The Phoenix is in order for the following recordings.

“You ain’t my bitch, nigga, buy your own damn fries!”

You know that guy ain’t shit. Sorry-ass motherfucker ain’t got nothing on me.”

“There are white folks, and then there are ignorant motherfuckers like you.”

6 Responses to “You ain’t my bitch, nigga! Buy your own damn fries!”

  1. 1 dummidumbwit
    February 10, 2009 at 9:19 am

    House music and techno/Gasta stuff is the elevator music of the egghead Tekkie lefty fringe!!!Biatch!!!! Somebody boil the formula bottle, Tupac is screaming again!!! I don’t yive a guck!!! If God wanred us to make sense, he;d given us bigger brains and smaller pee pee’s!!!

  2. 2 Manco
    February 10, 2009 at 4:17 pm

    Yet another idiotic, rambling, incoherent mess of a comment brought to you but the dumbest fuck on the planet, everyone’s favorite 12-year-old, Dummidumbwit.

  3. 3 dummidumbwit
    February 11, 2009 at 9:28 am

    Spamco is as bad at editing his comments as I am!!! Illiterate Nihilistic Anarchist swine!!! No McDonald land Cookies for Tobias!!!

  4. 4 Manco
    February 11, 2009 at 1:32 pm

    Bad editing or not, I think my feelings concerning your idiotic contributions to this site are quite clear.

    I don’t like you because you are one of these cats that are so self-aware in trying to be hip with your “cut-up” style of writing as a way of impressing someone with your perceived wit and intelligence, when in reality it’s all contrived nonsense. It’s frustrating. Hey, boy wonder, if it’s shit when William Burroughs did it, it’s even more so in your incapable hands.

    I’ve given you a pass before because I sense that you’re a young bloke who just hasn’t found his voice as a writer yet. I was the same way in my younger days. I thought putting fifty words together, no matter what they were, and calling it poetry was progressive and hip. It wasn’t. It was unimaginative drivel is what it was. No one but me knew what the hell I was talking about, which, if you think about it, really defeats the purpose of communication [and writing is a form of communication].

    Look, I’m doing this for your own good. You don’t strike me as a complete and utter moron, despite my claims to the contrary. You can develop into something other than the “stream-of-consciousness” typist posing as a writer. Only a few cats have the cajones to pull it off with any power. The rest of us have to be proper writers. You’re not one of those cats, which means proper writing should be in your future. I mean, if this mangled, ass-fucking, deadbeat, lunacy-embracing, shit-smelling, redneck, claw-marked, unimpressive prick, Johnny Peepers, can put together complete sentences that clearly define his purpose, then you can certainly do it, Dimshit.

    “…allegories are so much lettuce. Don’t hide the madness.” – Allen Ginsberg

  5. 5 dummidumbwit
    February 11, 2009 at 5:54 pm

    Point taken, I feel like I’m on the edge of something on some of my posts, but the edge is as close as I get so far.Comments are even worse as they are more a way of showing Johnny I looked at it, more than a direct comment on his views.Thanks Manco, most of my best posts are pictures of odd/unusual things, the writing isn’t the draw yet, Johnny’s actual writing is much better. I want to explain dreams, when dreams are more visual than oral, back to the drawing board.Jude the Obscure (Thomas Hardy)is the best written literature I’ve ever read, but the King James Bible is right up there in spots.Read Ginsberg in school, like Plath better as a model for me, or did I like the suicidal elements don’t know. Rule my madness, don’t let my madness rule me.

  6. 6 dummidumbwit
    February 11, 2009 at 8:23 pm

    Wallace is considered to be one of the best, I knew him, knew the people around him, I admit his work was profound, but it was in a way boring because it was just a bunch of observations on the poorly wired people around him and I’m poorly wired and I know the territory all too well, SNAFU and I’m afraid I’ll follow him if I take myself seriously or is that a cop out. Always had a thesaurus to load up on those mind boggling words. But seriously, Tobias Manco did start the wheels spinning Thanks again Toby!!

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Johnny Peepers

----> is a socio-pathetic degenerate with a penchant for cheap booze, ruphy-laden broads, and dim sum soup.


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