Archive for the 'Conspiracy' Category


Johnny Peepers, Clay Aiken, and Jesus

Dillsnap Cogitations reader comment from bespeakme:

The funniest things about this site are the comments from people who appear to actually take this writer seriously- or – am I missing something? I mean are you folks for real? And the absolute funniest part, he affects this surreal and spiritual voice talking about Jesus and not having a job, and he blows his cover when the male element calls him a name like fuck face or ass wipe- and he starts getting all teenage testosteroney and swinging his fists around: “From the looks of your avatar, it is clear that you were stuck down the fat-headed gumshoe Cro-magnon flu.” Nonetheless, fairly entertaining. Hilarious use of the language.

Johnny Peepers is having a bit of a personality crisis as of late. This is only a problem in that he is not sure which direction to take Dillsnap Cogitations. My lifestyle has calmed down considerably and I am not doing nearly the amount of drugs that I used to (due to recent emergency room scares, extreme money woes, and lack of insurance).

I reckon that I dunno what to write about these days. Conspiracy-mongering is so 2008, and the feel-good, New-Agey tripe is even too kooky for me to discourse on with any consistency. I thought about doing vegan recipe reviews or maybe step-by-step instructional blog posts on risque´ topics like booty-bumping and auto-fellation, but I don’t want to scare away my kid readers. I even considered dedicating all future posts to my one true love, Clay Aiken, but that would make me look desperate and stalker-ish in his eyes.

I certainly plan to keep my relationship with Jesus a central focus of Dillsnap Cogitations. Were it not for his supreme sacrifice, all of humanity would be mired in a putrid bucket of sin and depravity (much like the conditions experienced by residents of New Jersey and Mississippi).

Jesus and his vengeful, sky god daddy (YWEH) have a divine plan for me. This plan includes me taking to my knees daily and mouthing pleasing words to the MOST HIGH, prostrating myself before the Lord in diligent obeyance, and ridding my mind of lusty and impure thoughts about men and women that I find sexually attractive. I will do my best to provide frequent updates with regards to the latter. Any advice or blog topic recommendations would be greatly appreciated these days.

Yours in Crisco,

Johnny Peepers


Ahmadinejad tells the U.N. What Most* Earthlings Already Know About 9-11

Ahmadinejad tells U.N. most blame U.S. government for 9/11 (Reuters)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told the United Nations Thursday most people believe the U.S. government was behind the attacks of September 11, 2001 [with the exception of the cognitively-depleted brainwash recipients who watch Fox News and CNN, those that dutifully embrace talking points from pseudo-left gate-keepers (e.g., Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart, Keith Olbermann, Noam Chomsky, et alia), and the pathetic mis-educated liberal/progressive elitists who put their full and everlasting faith in robber-baron foundation/trust-funded social-engineering “programs”** (e.g., NPR and Democracy Now.)]

Addressing the General Assembly, he said it was mostly U.S. government officials and statesmen who believed al Qaeda Islamist militants carried out the suicide hijacking attacks that brought down New York’s World Trade Center and hit the Pentagon.

Another theory, he said, was “that some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy, and its grips on the Middle East, in order to save the Zionist regime.”

“The majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world agree with this view,” Ahmadinejad told the 192-nation assembly, calling on the United Nations to establish “an independent fact-finding group” to look into the events of September 11.


Ahmadinejad raised a third theory about the attacks, saying: “It was carried out by a terrorist group, but that the American government supported and took advantage of the situation. Apparently this viewpoint has fewer proponents.”

He said the main evidence for that theory was “a few passports found in the huge volume of rubble and a video of an individual whose place of domicile was unknown but it was announced that he had been involved in oil deals with some American officials.”

“It was also covered up and said that due to the explosion and fire no trace of suicide attackers was found,” he added.

“This regime (Israel), which enjoys the absolute support of some western countries, regularly threatens the countries in the region and continues publicly announced assassination of Palestinian figures and others, while Palestinian defenders … are labeled as terrorists and anti-Semites,” he said.

“All values, even the freedom of expression, in Europe and the United States are being sacrificed at the altar of Zionism,” Ahmadinejad said.

* The minority view is predominately held by Americans suffering from severe cognitive dissonance allergic effects to discomforting parapolitical realities.

** Program. (n) An organized list of instructions that, when executed, causes the [bio]computer to behave in a predetermined manner.


The Cost of Freedom: The Tragic Tale of Spc. Alyssa Peterson

Despite the highly successful corporate media blackout, news pertaining to war atrocities (and their cover-ups) committed by U.S. forces overseas continue to trickle out. The military/intelligence propagandists, even with their dutiful  “mighty wurlitzer” media minions, have had a string of embarrassing public relations disasters since the War of Terror began in 2001 (most notably the Abu Ghraib prison abuse photos fiasco).

Recent reports portray a far more horrific scene than what has been previously reported about Abu Ghraib. These newly revealed atrocities include brutal systemic rapes of women and girls by U.S. soldiers. Many of these women left the the prison pregnant, while others were honor killed by their families due to the shame.  According to journalist Seymour Hersh, the U.S. government has videotape of underage boys being sodomized. These reports point to the real reason why the Obama administration is blocking the release of the remaining Abu Ghraib photos (despite Obama’s campaign promise to make his administration the “most open and transparent in history”).

There have been other pathetic attempts by the military/intelligence/corporate-controlled media to protect the rubes who “can’t handle the truth.”  The Pat Tillman political assassination was a particularly egregious example, as was the botched conspiracy to conceal the crime from Tillman’s family and the American public.  The completely fabricated tale surrounding Jessica “little girl Rambo” Lynch’s battlefield heroism was another miserable attempt at perception management (otherwise known as disinformation).

Spc. Alyssa Peterson (1976-2003)

One especially disturbing example of the war pigs’ propaganda chicanery has crept back into the alternative news headlines.  Spc. Alyssa Peterson, an Arabic-speaking interrogator, committed suicide (supposedly) in Tal Afar, Iraq in 2003 soon after objecting to the torture methods that were being used on prisoners (her story can be read here and is the source for the below quotes). According to Flagstaff public radio station, KNAU:

“She refused to participate after only two nights working in the unit known as the cage. Army spokespersons for her unit have refused to describe the interrogation techniques Alyssa objected to. They say all records of those techniques have now been destroyed.”

The “official” probe of her death revealed that Spc. Alyssa Peterson had a severe character defect, she had compassion for her fellow human beings. Her mother, Bobbi, claims that she always stuck up for “the underdog”. According to Peterson’s brother, “she was extremely sensitive and empathetic to others, and cared a lot more about the welfare and well-being of the people around her than she cared about herself.” From the “official” military probe:

She had been ‘reprimanded’ for showing ’empathy’ for the prisoners. One of the most moving parts of the report, in fact, is this: ‘She said that she did not know how to be two people; she… could not be one person in the cage and another outside the wire.’

After refusing to be a party to blatant Geneva Convention violations, Peterson was reassigned to the base gate to monitor Iraqi guards. Ironically, she was also placed in suicide prevention training (the military has trouble with those pesky Muslims trying to take their own lives after the repeated torture, sexual abuse, and humiliation doled out by their heroic democracy-building captors).

Whaddya mean the CIA created and currently finances Al Qaeda? Who are the "real" bad guys then? Cognitive dissonance sucks ass!!!

The military, out of necessity, must be populated with large numbers of psychopaths who will obey any order (lawful or otherwise). When your primary goals are to kill people, blow things up, and torture and rape brown people, individuals displaying empathy for their fellow Earthly inhabitants cannot be tolerated. Peterson, unable to adopt the military’s psychopath game rules due to her “empathy defect”, received a bullet in her head from her service rifle.

Like Pat Tillman’s family, Peterson’s parents were also given the standard hush-hush treatment relating to the events surrounding her death. “Spc. Peterson’s mother said that neither she nor her husband Richard had received any official documents that contained information outlined in reports” obtained by a KNAU journalist. “In other words: Like the press and the public, even the parents had been kept in the dark”.

Kayla Williams, an Army sergeant and Signals intelligence (SIGINT) operations specialist who served with Alyssa, talked to her about her problems shortly before she killed herself. Williams, like Alyssa, was an Arabic linguist/interpreter who was forced to take part in torture interrogations. While doing so, she saw detainees being punched and sexually humiliated. She wrote the book below detailing her experiences as a soldier in Iraq.

Here is what Kayla Williams told Soledad O’Brien on CNN:

They stripped prisoners naked and then removed their blindfolds so that I was the first thing they saw. And then we were supposed to mock them and degrade their manhood. And it really didn’t seem to make a lot of sense to me. I didn’t know if this was standard. But it did not seem to work. And it really made me feel like we were losing that crucial moral higher ground, and we weren’t behaving in the way that Americans are supposed to behave.

In another CNN interview, on Oct. 8, 2005, Williams revealed how she learned that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to U.S. soldiers in Iraq:

I sat through it at the time. But after it was over I did approach the non-commissioned officer in charge and told him I think you may be violating the Geneva Conventions…. He said he knew and I said I wouldn’t participate again and he respected that, but I was really, really stunned

Please visit Alyssa Peterson’s Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom page and leave a comment.


Steadfeast Resolve: 9-11 and the War of Terror® (ninth-year anniversary)

Twelve American soldiers face charges over a secret “kill team” that allegedly blew up and shot Afghan civilians at random and collected their fingers as trophies.

Five of the soldiers are charged with murdering three Afghan men who were allegedly killed for sport in separate attacks this year. Seven others are accused of covering up the killings and assaulting a recruit who exposed the murders when he reported other abuses, including members of the unit smoking hashish stolen from civilians.


Foreign news articles like the one above pose a grave threat to national security in a post-9-11 world and should be censored in the U.S. Not only does this type of propaganda stoke the fire of global anti-American sentiment, but our freedoms and safety are threatened when America’s moral high ground in the execution of the War of Terror® is undermined. Free speech must always yield to the greater interests of national security and idealogical unity.

America is fully justified in taking the battle to the Mohammadan terrorist menace wherever it hides. This justification extends to the killing of non-terrorist men, women, and even little Muslim babies. Though they may technically be classified as non-combatants under international law, those who dwell in and around hotbeds of regional terrorist activity are potential future terrorists, including offspring. The position of slaughtering “gentile babies”  to eliminate future threats is fully supported under Talmudic “halachic” law as expressed by Israeli rabbi, Yitzhak Shapira:

There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us, and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not only during combat with adults.”

To some this may be an extreme position. I caution those of this mind to remember the events of 9-11 as we enter into the ninth anniversary of patriotic mourning for our fallen heroes. Almost 3,000 of America’s bravest and hardest workers sacrificed their lives when 19 Arab hijackers engaged in a conspiracy to outwit the most sophisticated air defense system in the World, defied previously accepted laws of aerodynamics by flying airplanes into buildings at impossible speeds, and accomplished the incredible feat of knocking down three NYC skyscrapers with only two planes.

Following the 9-11 attacks, patriotic Americans fully supported the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. These military campaigns were necessary to exact brutal revenge on the Muslim people (a.k.a. potential future terrorists) wherever they lived to prevent another 9-11 type attack. Our brave political leaders and fearless generals delivered the Islamisists an undeniable message that terror is absolutely unacceptable under any circumstance. When the terror stops they might get their country back, it’s that simple people!

Some mistakenly argue that since a majority of the 9-11 perpetrators were Saudi Arabians (15 of the 19), including 9-11 terror mastermind Bin Laden (who methodically a plotted the brazen attacks on his laptop in an Afghan cave between his dialysis treatments), the U.S. should have instead bombed Saudi Arabia. Had the U.S. done so, diplomatic relations and countless high-dollar contracts would have been jeopardized. The Bush family, high officials in the Bush (and now Obama) administration, oil and gas corporations, and military defense contractors (who were supplying the Saudis with weapons, missile systems, and critical infrastructure protections) would have suffered severe economic harm as a result of a Saudi invasion. Invading Saudi Arabia would have also likely disrupted oil production leading to skyrocketing gas prices which would have negatively affected the U.S. economy. What’s good for business is good for America.

Muslim countries are pretty much interchangeable as each is a proxy for the overarching terrorist mindset that has infested their religion and culture, thus making it perfectly acceptable to invade any, or all of them. When the terror attacks stop, the U.S. soldiers and corporate mercenaries may or may not come home depending on the attitude of the Muslim people, among other factors (e.g., the full depletion of all natural resources, global opium demand forecasting, oil and gas pipeline completion timetables, and regional stability guaranteeing the safety and secured hegemonic status of our greatest ally, Israel.) In other words, don’t hold your breath, Achmed!

Like it or lump it Muslim people, America is in it for the long haul in the War of Terror®. President Obama has boldly demonstrated his commitment to forcefully restore peace in the Middle East and Afghanistan, and to protect the homeland from crazed jihadists. Through the implementation of innovative homeland security measures (i.e., increased government surveillance, restrictions on free speech,  eroding terrorist friendly 4th Amendment protections, and the deployment of the Internet kill-switch), Obama has put every American back into the national security driver’s seat.

The Clash of Civilizations will result in an eventual victor, and it will not have an Islamic face. Osama bin Laden and his jihadist fly-boys should have thought of that before they single-handedly perpetrated the 9-11 attacks (without any help from the neo-con cabal, rogue members of the military-intelligence community, or foreign intelligence services and their domestic allies). Know this – the Christian/Judeo monotheistic religion tag-team can not, and WILL NOT, be beaten.


Here is a link to a list of  tin-foil hat conspiracy nuts who question the government’s official position on 9-11. Although they once held high ranking positions in the U.S. government and military, their hatred of America has muddled their critical-thinking faculties. The list of unpatriotic scumbags includes: Max Cleland (former U.S. Senator – GA), Louis Freeh (former FBI Director), General Albert Stubblebine (U.S. Army – Ret), Ray McGovern, and many other unhinged and reality-detached individuals. They put our country at risk by spouting off their idiotic hate America first nonsense. Have pity on their souls, as they are doing the Devil’s work by attacking the Shining City on the Hill (American Providence).


The Last Poets, the Black Panthers, and the FBI

Niggers always goin’ through bullshit change
But when it comes for real change,
Niggers are scared of revolution

~ Niggers are Scared of Revolution“, The Last Poets

The following is from this Guardian article:

After the Party: Music and the Black Panthers

One day last December, Umar Bin Hassan of the Last Poets attended a gathering in Chicago to commemorate local Black Panther Party leader Fred Hampton, who was shot dead by the police 40 years earlier. There were about 30 people, including the widows of Hampton and fellow Panther Eldridge Cleaver, and former members of radical groups such as Weatherman. “We laughed and drank wine and talked about what we all had been through,” Hassan says. “I’m glad I made it. It was good to see a lot of those people still living, you know?”

They were survivors of a turbulent period. In 1968, just two years after Oakland residents Huey Newton and Bobby Seale formed the Black Panthers, FBI director J Edgar Hoover called the party “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country” and set about spending millions of dollars to infiltrate, sabotage and divide it. By the mid 70s, it was in terminal decline, and Hampton was far from the only fatality.

The Panthers’ legacy has been fiercely debated ever since. Some people claim the leadership, especially Newton, were their own worst enemies: paranoid hotheads prone to violence and cronyism. Others regard them as heroes who gave young African-Americans power and pride in the face of endemic racism, only to be brought down by Hoover’s machinations. A new project, Tongues on Fire, aims to accentuate the positive, bringing together the party’s official artist and minister of culture, Emory Douglas, with musicians such as the Last Poets, the Roots and jazz saxophonist David Murray.

When Newton and Seale were preparing the first edition of the newspaper in 1966, they listened obsessively to “brother Bobby” Dylan’s Highway 61 Revisited, especially Ballad of a Thin Man, which Newton read, rather fancifully, as a parable of racist oppression. At this point, black artists were still using code words such as “respect” and “pushing” when dealing with the subject of race. Even after blackness entered pop’s lexicon via James Brown’s Say It Loud – I’m Black and I’m Proud, Newton and Seale’s rhetoric, and Douglas’s artwork, only found their musical analogue with the arrival of the Last Poets.

Formed in Harlem in 1968, the Last Poets lost most of their founding members before they even recorded their debut album. The classic lineup on the Poets’ eponymous 1970 release consisted of Abiodun Oyewole, Jalal Mansur Nuriddin and Umar Bin Hassan. In his hometown of Akron, Ohio, Hassan had been an angry young man looking for direction when he saw the Panthers’ first televised action: their armed entrance into the California legislature in May 1967.

“Woah,” he remembers. “I was so excited to see some young black men do that. The Panthers were my first introduction to black militancy. About two months later I saw Huey Newton on the news, standing on the fenders of two cars and throwing down his fists at these white cops. I thought the revolution was going to begin and end in California. I ain’t never been in a gang, but if I was going to be in a gang I wanted to be in a gang that stood up and defended the black community from racist cops.”

Nobody had ever heard anything like the Last Poets. They combined the militant spirit of avant-garde jazz musicians such as Archie Shepp with the furious poetry of Amiri Baraka, who called for “poems that kill: assassin poems”. Their rage was aimed at both white America (“the Statue of Liberty is a prostitute”) and apathetic, unrevolutionary black people. Controversially, they called these people “niggers”.

“The Last Poets out-niggered everybody,” Hassan says with a throaty chuckle. “We had Wake Up Niggers, Niggers Are Scared of Revolution … Our thing was not to use that word as casually as the kids today. You got young kids who think it’s OK to be a nigger. Nah, it ain’t OK. We were trying to get rid of the nigger in our community and in ourselves. The difference between us and hip-hop is we had direction, we had a movement, we had people who kept our eyes on the prize. We weren’t just bullshitting and jiving.”

Despite zero airplay, the response to the album from those who heard it was “overwhelming” and the Panthers saw a fantastic recruitment opportunity in the Poets. “Everybody knew how much the people liked us and everybody wanted us to become a part of their thing,” says Hassan. “But we kept ourselves independent.” They did not need to be card-carrying members in order to be useful. “Music to [the Panthers] was something to get people’s attention so they could speak,” says David Murray, who was a teenager at the time. “Like a trumpet sounds and then there’s a speech.”

Very soon the party had a soundtrack, with such radical poets as the Watts Prophets, Nikki Giovanni and Gil Scott-Heron emerging almost simultaneously (although Scott-Heron was sceptical about “would-be revolutionaries” with “afros, handshakes and dashikis” in his song Brother). Sympathetic rock stars such as Santana and the Grateful Dead played fundraisers.

In 1970, the year the Last Poets began their album with the ominous phrase “time is running out”, it seemed to many US radicals, black and white alike, that revolution was imminent. But within a couple of years, the Black Panther Party was in disarray, largely thanks to the dirty tricks of the FBI. “Those who have the power always have the time and resources to get together,” Hassan says. “They took their blows for a minute but then they realised, ‘We gotta come back at this.’”

The agency fomented civil war between Newton and Cleaver, with bloody consequences. Douglas, who was regularly tailed by FBI agents, remembers seeing his artwork imitated on a forged pamphlet attacking another black organisation. “They tried to destroy and discredit the Black Panther Party by any means necessary,” he says. “We knew what was going on but you couldn’t put your finger on it.” The Watts Writers Workshop, the base of the Watts Prophets, was burned to the ground by a trusted employee who, it transpired, was an FBI plant. The Last Poets were constantly monitored, as Hassan discovered years later when he saw his FBI files. “We were on President Nixon’s list, the defence department list, the national security list. It kind of blew my mind.”

Not all the blame, however, can be laid at the government’s door. The Huey Newton who emerged from jail to retake the party leadership in late 1970 was a troubled, paranoid character who acquired a taste for cocaine and groupies and soon fell out with Cleaver. “Bobby Seale was the brains,” says David Murray. “Huey Newton was an action person. He would just go and do it. That might also be why he’s not alive [Newton was shot by a crack dealer in 1989].”

“We all thought we were moving towards bringing about something new, something good, for America – not just for black people, but for all people,” Hassan says. “But when you started seeing one brother go one way and another brother snitching, a lot of us went back on to the streets doing what we were doing before, selling drugs or hustling, because we were disappointed.” Hassan himself left the Last Poets in 1974 and became a cocaine addict, giving poetry readings in crackhouses. “Yeah man, there was a lot of disappointment.”

Asked about the Panthers’ balance sheet, Emory Douglas draws a long sigh. “I would say we did the best we could under the circumstances. You have to understand that never in the history of the country had any organisation stood up to the challenges in the way we did and at such a young age.” David Murray thinks the party has to be seen in context. “This was a time when California was changing the world. I was a hippie, I was a Black Panther, I was in the Nation of Islam. That was how you grew up during that time – you had to dabble in each one.”


The Weed Killers: Why Marijuana Had to Go

The following is excerpted from this  article written by Doug Yurchey:

The Marijuana Conspiracy:

The Reason Hemp is Illegal

They say marijuana is dangerous. Pot is not harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does not pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people. The truth is, if marijuana was utilized for its vast array of commercial products, it would create an industrial atomic bomb!

1) All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s. (Jack Frazier. Hemp Paper Reconsidered. 1974.)

2) It was legal to pay taxes with hemp in America from 1631 until the early 1800s. (LA Times. Aug. 12, 1981.)

3) Refusing to grow hemp in America during the 17th and 18th centuries was against the law! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769 (G. M. Herdon. Hemp in Colonial Virginia).

4) George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers grew hemp. (Washington and Jefferson Diaries. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.)

5) Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America, and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow’s export to England. (Jack Herer. Emperor Wears No Clothes.)

6) For thousands of years, 90% of all ships’ sails and rope were made from hemp. The word ‘canvas’ is Dutch for cannabis. (Webster’s New World Dictionary.)

7) 80% of all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc., were made from hemp until the 1820s, with the introduction of the cotton gin.

8)The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross’s flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp. (U.S. Government Archives.)

9) The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons. Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th century. (State Archives.)

10) Oldest known records of hemp farming go back 5000 years in China, although hemp industrialization probably goes back to ancient Egypt.

11) Rembrandt’s, Van Gogh’s, Gainsborough’s, as well as most early canvas paintings, were principally painted on hemp linen.

12) In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Archives.)

13) Quality paints and varnishes were made from hemp seed oil until 1937. 58,000 tons of hemp seeds were used in America for paint products in 1935. (Sherman Williams Paint Co. testimony before the U.S.Congress against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act.)

14) Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the car itself was constructed from hemp! On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, ‘grown from the soil,’ had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel. (Popular Mechanics, 1941.)

15) In 1938, hemp was called ‘Billion-Dollar Crop.’ It was the first time a cash crop had a business potential to exceed a billion dollars. (Popular Mechanics, Feb. 1938.)

16) Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Feb. 1938) published an article entitled ‘The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.’ It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world.


William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Patty Hearst’s grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp.

In 1937, DuPont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. DuPont’s Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division. Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil. Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80% of DuPont’s business.

Andrew Mellon became Hoover’s Secretary of the Treasury and DuPont’s primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J.Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion-dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: ‘marijuana’ and pushed it into the consciousness of America.


A media blitz of ‘yellow journalism’ raged in the late 1920s and 1930s. Hearst’s newspapers ran stories emphasizing the horrors of marijuana. The menace of marijuana made headlines. Readers learned that it was responsible for everything from car accidents to loose morality.

Films like Reefer Madness (1936), Marijuana: Assassin of Youth (1935) and Marijuana: The Devil’s Weed (1936) were propaganda designed by these industrialists to create an enemy. Their purpose was to gain public support so that anti-marijuana laws could be passed.

Read the rest of the article here.


The 1974 Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Mother

Many are aware of the U.S. Government-directed conspiracy to assassinate Martin Luther King Jr. The James Earl Ray lone-nut killer narrative has been thoroughly rebutted, most notably in the 1999 wrongful death lawsuit brought by the King family against Loyd Jowers. In their verdict, the jury found that “governmental agencies were party to the conspiracy” to murder MLK Jr. Less known is that his mother likely suffered a similar violent fate at the hands of a MKULTRA  mind-controlled assassin.

Alberta King was shot and killed on June 30, 1974 by 23 year-old Marcus Wayne Chenault as she sat at the organ of the Ebenezer Baptist Church during a Sunday service. He wounded three people, two of them —Mrs. King and Deacon Edward Boykin, 69—fatally. According to the New York Times, Chenault “told the police that his mission was to kill the Rev. Martin Luther King Sr., but he shot Mrs. King instead because she was close to him”.

Interestingly, Alberta King’s life was taken only a few months before James Earl Ray’s evidentiary hearing to determine whether or not he would be granted a new trial.

The FBI maintained wiretaps on the King Family and the SCLC for some time after MLK Jr.’s assassination.  With mounting evidence of the government’s involvement in the killing, the guilty parties had plenty of reason to be fearful of one of MLK Jr.’s parents going public, or possibly speaking in Ray’s defense.  The last thing those bastards needed was a tag team consisting of MLK Jr.’s mourning widow and his grieving mother (or father) blanketing the airwaves and exposing the FBI’s murderous COINTELPRO shenanigans.

So, who was Marcus Wayne Chenault?

The following is from this informative blog post:

Marcus “Markie” as he called was born quite different from his brothers and sisters. All of  Markie’s family members were associated with the branches of U.S. Armed Services. Markie was too short and nearsighted to qualify for any type of military service.

The senior Chenault was a long term employee of the Atomic Energy Commission’s (AEC) “Mounds” laboratory in Miamisburg, Ohio, 15 miles south of Dayton. The Mounds Lab was part of the S Factor, Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Former SRI and AEC Director, CIA/MK-ULTRA Director, John Alex McCone, formed the Mounds Laboratory on approximately 360 acres in 1948. There is concrete evidence that electronic mind control was an object of extensive study, research and experimentation at SRI as exposed by the Washington Post on August 7, 1977.

Before the assassination of Mrs. King and Deacon Boykin, witnesses said that Markie went through numerous personality changes. One day he was an anti-communist. The next day he was a Christian. One day he was a Muslim then a jew, and the next day he was a homosexual. One day he was a flaming Black militant, and the next day he was very lonely and withdrawn. Someone was switching poor Markie off and no, into entirely different and distinct personalities. Markie was a real life Mr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde case. When he had been arrested, police asked Markie about a long scar on his skull. Markie had no recollection of the scar and where it had come from. Markie had undergone some type of unknown remarkable invasive brain surgery that he couldn’t recall. When asked if he killed anyone, Chenault could not remember, he responded accepting responsibility for the homicides with unbelievable glee and joy. Smiling, he said, “I assume I did, I assume I shot someone.”

During arraignment on murder charges, Chenault referred to himself in an alter personality, a “Hebrew”, and gave the name of the alter to the court as “Servant JACOB”. In court, Chenault was observed to be biting and licking his lips, and clasping his hands, repetitively. When asked about the shooting, Wayne responded, “I’m a Hebrew and was sent here on a mission and it’s partially accomplished.” Markie had been sent on a mission from some God packaged and pre-programmed to kill.

Jacob, in Hebrew, is also called Israel. In the bible, Jacob had an ongoing rivalry with his twin brother, Esau. That struggle originated in the womb, leading their mother Rebecca to seek a divine oracle from which she learned that the younger Jacob would rule over his brother. This reference is important in understanding Chenault’s programming in that alter “Servant JACOB” was programmed to rule over the mind, body, personality of Marcus Wayne Chenault.

During his sentencing to the death penalty for capital murder, Markie violently spat in the faces of his mother and father. I always wondered why until the dots were connected to John McCone, DCI of the CIA/MK ULTRA; Mounds Weapons Laboratory; and the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

The Mounds Lab was a nuclear weapons and light arms facility. The Mounds Lab had many business, partnership and personnel connections with Bechtel, Kaiser, McCone, Monsanto, and SRI. Additionally, there were some secret operations conducted at Mounds Lab by Wright Patterson Air Force base. Wright Patterson base was involved in recruiting bright young geniuses to attempt a breakthrough in Tesla technology. Wright Patterson had been the home base to some of the most ardent Operation Paperclip Nazi-SS scientist. Tesla technologies involved electric magnetic frequencies mind control that the SS was interested in perfecting and exploiting.

Markie had been linked to a group of Black mind control assassins, “The Troop”, being run out of the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Markie and “The Troop” hit list targeted most of America’s leading Black religious and spiritual leaders straight out of COINTELPRO.

There are also some interesting tidbits in this TIME Magazine article from July 15, 1974 quoted below:

Mrs. Martin Luther King Sr., 69, wife of the pastor and mother of the slain civil rights leader, was playing. As the 500 worshipers bowed their heads for the Lord’s Prayer, Marcus Wayne Chenault, 23, opened fire with two revolvers.

“I’m tired of all this!” he screamed.

“I’m taking over!” And he sprayed bullets wildly until both guns were empty.

He wounded three people, two of them —Mrs. King and Deacon Edward Boykin, 69—fatally.

In Chenault’s Columbus apartment, police found a list of ten black churchmen and civil rights leaders, headed by Martin Luther King Sr. Not seeing him in church, Chenault may have picked King’s wife as a substitute target. (Police also intend to question Chenault about the unsolved killings of two black ministers in Dayton in the past two months.)


Sack Tapping: Silly Teenage Fad or Social Engineering Conspiracy?

‘Sack Tapping’ — A Schoolyard Game Turned Ugly (ABC NEWS)

Doctors Report Growing Fad: Boys Hit Each Other in Genitals, Post Video Online

Gone are the days when bullies gave mere wedgies. The newest fad in schoolyard violence? A quick slap to the testicles. In the game of “sack tapping” or “ball tapping,” as it is called, a boy will try to slap or flick the groin of another boy to inflict discomfort or pain. The “game” has gotten out of hand, however, according to Dr. Scott Wheeler, a pediatric urologist. In recent years he’s seen an increasing number of young boys coming in with serious damage to the testicles because of a “tap” that hit too hard. “For some reason, [this game] is popular,” Wheeler says. “It’s not just bullies, it’s kids doing it to their friends. It’s rare that bullies target the testicles, they just beat up people.”

A search on YouTube reveals hundreds of videos of young boys, teens, and even members of the U.S. Navy, catching a friend (or enemy) unaware with a quick punch or slap to the genitals. There’s even a “Judge Judy” mock court case involving a 12-year-old “sack tapper” posted to the site. In some cases, trauma sustained by sack tapping can be severe enough to rupture a testicle, an injury that can require surgery or even the amputation of the testicle, says Wheeler.This fad is no joke, Wheeler says, “It’s just ridiculous that boys are doing this.”

“The testicle is protected by a fibrous capsule. The force has to be fairly quick and really hard to break that capsule,” he says. “You can fix a tear in the testicle, but if it’s ruptured bad you have to remove the testicle because the tissue will die and cause infection.”

The fad of sack tapping may be escalating thanks to the numerous videos of it on the Internet. “It’s a snowball effect. A kid sees it on the Internet. His little brother sees him doing and does it at his school. I see boys in elementary, junior high, and high school coming in with these injuries,” he says. “Parents need to talk to their kids about this, and hopefully that will have an impact,” Wheeler says.

“Guys are very attached to their testicles, obviously. If more guys knew that people were having ruptures, perhaps the back and forth of this would die out.”

Johnny Peeper’s commentary:

The hastening moral implosion of our seemingly advanced civilization is fast upon us. Who is behind this horrific testicle destruction meme? The social engineers tasked with implementing global depopulation measures are one likely culprit. The purveyors of the homosexual agenda are another. Could a rogue faction of urologists and andrologists be behind this fad in a sickening profit-driving scheme? Could all of these nefarious forces be conspiring together to turn the next generation of potential fathers into impotent buggerers with ruptured testes requiring expensive medical care?

There is also the remote possibility that “sack tapping” is a Darwinian devolution process, nature’s rejection of anthropocentric arrogance. When I was a young man, testicular safety was a paramount concern. The very thought of allowing a potential sexual competitor to attack my sacred juice-berries in a contest of moronic pseudo-bravery is inconceivable. What is next, clitoral twisting? Cervix puncturing?  In the words of the Australian-born motivational speaker, dietitian, personal trainer, and author Susan Powter, we must “STOP THE INSANITY!

It is my desperate prayer that today’s teenage boys and young men come to their senses regarding this destructive practice. The disabled testicle that was violently slapped could have ushered forth the seed that created you, or a loved one. To borrow (in slightly altered form) from the great Monty Python, every testicle is sacred. Every spherical scrotal inhabitant is a precious gift from our Creator, requiring diligent protection and care.

The war on “ball tapping” must advance in the Marketplace of Ideas. The Internet is the selected battleground. I charge the tech-savvy youngsters who care about their testicular health to litter the YouTube with videos advocating family jewel protection. Our next generation is at stake.


Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses in Polio Vaccines and the U.S. Covert Bio-Weapons Project

How did the discovery of cancer-causing monkey viruses in polio vaccines trigger a covert bio-weapon research project involving Lee Harvey Oswald, Fidel Castro, and the brutal murder of Dr. Mary Sherman?

In 1960, medical studies determined that the Salk injectable polio vaccine (IPV) contained the  Simian Virus 40 (SV40). SV40 is a cancer-causing virus originating from minced rhesus monkey kidney cells that were used to manufacture the polio vaccine.

From the mid-50s until 1960, the SV40-tainted vaccine had been administered to about 98 million adults and children. After 1960, millions of more of the tainted vaccines were being manufactured and administered. Federal regulators did not recall the affected polio vaccine until 1963. Dr. Sabin, who developed the first working polio vaccine, had this to say about the cover-up:

“…Theres too much scaring the public unnecessarily. Oh your children were injected with a cancer virus and all that. That’s not very good!”

Medical researchers attribute the elevated rise in soft-tissue cancers in the last 50 years, many of which were almost unknown before the introduction of the polio vaccine, to the SV40 virus contamination.

Clandestine medical research specializing in engineering deadly cancers as a bio-weapon

Soon after the discovery of the cancer-causing virus, the U.S. Government commissioned covert projects with the purpose of weaponizing cancer.  Dr. Alton Ochsner, who pioneered early studies linking smoking to cancer, was instrumental in overseeing the cancer-causing virus project in New Orleans. His hospital was one of the 159 covert research centers established by the CIA.

Dr. Mary Sherman, an expert in cancer research, was selected to supervise the secret research related to the SV40 virus. The monkey viruses were radiated by a linear particular accelerator to alter the genetic components in the virus. The monkey viruses would then be injected into mice to study the developing tumors. In 1964, Dr. Sherman was found brutally murdered in her apartment (she had been stabbed multiple times and her right arm and rib cage had been burnt away). Her fascinating story is detailed in the book Dr. Mary’s Monkey.

Judyth Vary Baker and Lee Harvey Oswald’s involvement in the program

Judyth Vary Baker at work

In the spring of 1963, 19-year-old Judyth Vary Baker was invited to join Dr. Ochsner in New Orleans. Baker was an exceptionally gifted student from Florida dedicated to cancer research. Soon after arriving in New Orleans, she began a romantic relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald, who informed her of his role as an intelligence agent.

Oswald introduced Baker to David Ferrie, who according to Jim Garrison, was a key figure in the JFK assassination and “one of history’s most important individuals.” Ferrie revealed information to Baker about a secret government assassination plot directed against Fidel Castro. By injecting Castro with cancer, the U.S. Government would avoid the usual suspicion that a violent assassination would generate.

Baker and  Oswald were assigned cover jobs at the Reily Coffee Company (confirmed by Baker’s pay stubs and tax statements). Her real work was in Ferrie’s apartment, portions of which had been converted into a laboratory. Baker worked with 50-60 mice at a time, which had developed tumors due to cancer injections.  Baker would kill the mice, and then cut off and weigh the tumors. The excised tumor material would then be blended together. Baker would then make tissue cell cultures from the most vigorous and deadly cancers. She would then compile reports on the tests and take them to Dr. Mary Sherman to review. Oswald acted as a go between for the covert program participants, among other assigned clandestine activities.

Baker learned that prisoners from the Angola Penitentiary were to be used as guinea pigs for testing the weaponized cancer-causing virus. In a written letter, Baker stated ethical objections to the testing that made her an enemy of Dr. Ochsner. As a result, she left the project and  returned to Florida with her husband. Soon after, Oswald embarked upon  a failed attempt to secure a transit visa to Cuba via Mexico City to transport the weaponized cancer virus.

The below clip focuses on Judyth Vary Baker’s role in the New Orleans bio-weapon project and her relationship with Oswald. It is from a documentary titled The Men Who Killed Kennedy which aired on the History Channel. It has since been banned from rebroadcast.

More information can be found at the following links:

Judyth Vary Baker in New Orleans – Jim Fetzer

Interviews with Baker on Jim Fetzer’s Podcast (April 30 and May 1, 2010)

Edward Haslam – Dr. Mary’s Monkey – Jim Fetzer

Edward Haslam – Dr. Mary’s Monkey – Part II – Jim Fetzer

Simian Virus 40 (SV40): A Cancer Causing Monkey Virus from FDA-Approved Vaccines (Excerpt) -Michael E. Horwin, M.A., J.D.

Documentary evidence relating to Baker and Oswald in New Orleans

Me & Lee, Judyth Vary Baker’s recently released book


Faux News PsyOp: The Times Square Bomb Plot

Pakistani Taliban Claims Responsibility

Times Square Bomb Plot Revenge, Group Says (Fox News)

Evidently, a nice Jewish lady found a video on the Internet that she, and Fox News, believes establishes conclusive proof of a Taliban plot to bomb Times Square. One problem though, The Fox News report headline above (based on the lady’s claims) are deceptively misleading. Of course, one has to read a few lines into the article to find out that there is no specific mention of the attack, New York City, or a car bomb.

The woman who “discovered” the video, Rita Katz, is Executive Director of  SITE Intelligence Group. SITE is a for profit entity (Muslim terror scares = big bucks) started by Ms. Katz in 2002. Basically her job is to comb the Internet looking for evidence of  Islamic terror networks and jihadist propaganda. Ms. Katz also likes to dress up as a Muslim woman and sneak into mosques to expose radical Islamic groups.

Ms. Katz is the daughter of an Israeli spy who was tortured, convicted, and executed in Iraq soon after  Saddam Hussein seized power in 1968. She also had the distinction of serving in the Israeli Defense Forces (thus cementing her complete objectivity in uncovering Islamic terror shenanigans). After studying politics, history, and Middle Eastern affairs at Tel Aviv University, she moved to the U.S. in 1997. Now she valiantly scours the Internet in search of jihadist cave people intent on slaughtering Americans for their “freedoms” and way of life. Thank you Ms. Katz, you, like Fox News hero Sean Hannity, are a great American.

Below is the Fox News article linking the Pakistani Taliban to the Times Square bomb plot.

MYFOXNY.COM – Fox 5 reports that the Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility for the bomb plot.

According to Fox News, in a 1 minute video allegedly released by the Pakistani Taliban, the group says the attack is revenge for the death of its leader Baitullah Mehsud and the recent killings of the top leaders of al-Qaida in Iraq.

Images of the slain militants are shown as an unidentified voice recites the message. English subtitles are at the bottom of the screen.

According to the AP, an unidentified speaker on the tape also says the attack comes in response to American “interference and terrorism in Muslim Countries, especially in Pakistan.”

The claim could not be immediately confirmed and the tape makes no specific reference to the attack nor does it mention that it was a car bomb or that it took place in New York City.

A text in gold letters on a black background at the start of the video congratulates Muslims for the “jaw-breaking blow to Satan’s USA.” As the speaker recites the message, images of the slain militants referred to flash across the screen. English subtitles are provided at the bottom of the screen.

The video was uncovered Sunday by SITE, which monitors militant websites and has been accurate with such militant claims in the past.

Johnny Peepers

----> is a socio-pathetic degenerate with a penchant for cheap booze, ruphy-laden broads, and dim sum soup.


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